365 Moments of Joy

1# finding an egg in the nesting box.

If you've never had chickens or visited a farm you might not understand why this is number one on my list for joyous moments. I start caring for the chickens when they're in the incubator, as an egg, I always talk to them and right before the chicks are ready to hatch I get into Mamma mode. I check the incubator often and once the chicks hatch, it's on! As the chick grows I discover if it's a hen or a rooster, then start to think about how that chicken will feed me. At 6 months the hens start to lay eggs and it’s my job to make sure they are happy and healthy. I always remember the first egg. Then as the chickens get older more and more eggs appear in the nesting box. One time, a group of chickens formed a line out of their Coop because they liked to lay eggs in the same nest. That was so cute and brought me a lot of joy. Now my chickens are molting, which means they're losing their feathers and growing new ones. It's also late in the fall and there's not a lot of natural light. When I go to the nesting box there are days that I don't find any eggs. But I'll the next day I might see one egg. I thank the ladies for the egg and I get a smile on my face. It's a joyous moment that I have here on the farm. It's my number one joyous moment for this blog.

#2 Snuggling with my dogs

This moment of joy is unmatched. Snuggling with my dogs is always therapeutic because they bring me to the present moment. To know how important my dogs are to me, just look at the name of our farm. When my dogs snuggle with me, the daily grind slows down to a meander and the joy overflows.

#3 Roasting a Thanksgiving turkey we raised from hatch to harvest.

Farming has many joyous moments. Thursday I roasted a turkey that was hatched and raised on our farm. When I pulled the turkey out of the oven I got a smile on my face. I thought about all of the time and care that went into raising these birds. The taste of a pasture-raised White Holland turkey is the like no other. I felt accomplished that I grew protein for myself and others to be nourished. I'm also happy that I provided the turkey with a healthy, happy environment to grow.

#4 Early Morning Walks with my Dogs

Early morning walks with my dogs bring me joy. Before I start my work on the farm, the dogs get their time to get exercise, sniff, and read the pee-mail. This morning, I decided to play Christmas music as we walked. I put on my favorite playlist on Spotify and put my phone in my coat pocket. I noticed that as we walked and listen to the instrumental music, that I was more relaxed than usual. Listening to the music helped me to keep my mind clear so I could look at the Holly trees in bloom and notice other changes in the landscape. Some mornings I think I might skip the walk, but my dogs remind me that I shouldn't. I'm always glad that we've gone out for a little bit of exercise and enjoyed the peace and quiet of the morning.

#5 Morning coffee and meditation Time

Every morning I have coffee and I take some time to do meditation. Some people struggle with meditation because they think that the goal is to clear your mind. But for me, meditation starts with my thoughts. When I start thinking about the day ahead, I think about what I want from the day, what I want my heart to feel, and what I want to accomplish. Then I start to slow my breath down. I take long deep breaths in through the nose and then out through the nose. I count down from 10 or 20 and take a panoramic view of the outside landscape. When you widen your view and see everything in front of you, it's signals your nervous system to calm down. I see the trees outside through the windows and I go into a state of self-hypnosis. During that time, I don't try to clear my mind but I just let go. My thoughts slow down and my body gets very relaxed. I spend what seems like a long time but it's usually about 10 minutes in that meditative state. Then I start to come back to my thoughts and I noticed that my body has enjoyed the down time. I make the time to meditate every morning before the hustle and bustle of the day begins. That brings a joyous moment

#6 Watching my Animals come Running to Greet Me

My farm animals and I are connected. Since one of my goals for Beachdog Farm is to be hatch to harvest, I have breeding stock for each group. They will live out their natural life here on the farm and my goal is to make it the best life. My mind is full of thoughts of creating and maintaining a healthy environment that lets the animals and birds express their natural tendencies. A moment of joy for me is seeing them run to me. Sometimes it's feeding time but usually they come say hi at anytime if the day. I smile and say hi back.

#7 Finding a solution to the problem.

Today's moment of joy came when I found the solution to a problem. I bought a 35 gallon water tank for days when the hoses are frozen (like this morning). The problem was that a hose was too small to fit the output on the tank. After ordering an adapter, it ended up being too big. This morning I was determined to figure this out. Then I looked inside the output nossal and realized it was threaded on the inside too. I put the female end of the hose in and it fit! Some might say I should have known that all along but I was joyous without shame. That's my Joy today!

#8 The Smell of Holiday Incense

I usually burn incense during my meditation time. But during the holiday season, I use scents like cinnamon, spruce, or mulled apple cider. One of my Ninja Yoginis (there's three of us) is from Germany, and she gave me a little incense burner shaped like a mountain chalet. The seasonal tradition in Germany is to burn the incense in the morning while enjoying cocoa or coffee. I start using the little mountain chalet in late October to start my season celebration. This morning I'm using cinnamon incense. That's my Joy today.

#9 Watching Chickens Scratch

This is up there as one of my favorite joyous moments. If you ever want to de-stress and relax, watch chicken scratch. They do it so methodically, taking their time. They're focused; nothing distracts them. It's one of their main jobs in life and they find all kind of treasures under the surface of the ground. The moment I realized that I wanted to have this farm, was when I was sitting in my backyard watching my chicken scratch. It was so meditative and I was de-stressing from the days events. With my feet on the ground, my legs were tingling from connecting to the earth. If this is all a little too much for you, that's okay. You just have never experienced it before. But if you ever get a chance, you may understand why this ranks up there as one of my top joyous moments.

#10 Evenings with the Christmas Tree Lights on

Last night my friend and her two children came to visit. I had the tree lights on and the Christmas music playing. We enjoyed catching up, the kids playing with the dogs, and sharing a delicious meal. There's something special about evenings with the tree lights on; it's enchanting. That's my Joy today.

#11 Reading Birthday Wishes on Facebook.

Yep, this made my list of joyous moments today. I take the time to read everyone's happy birthday wish for me each year. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart because it means so much to me. Just that two word post on my timeline makes me smile.

#12 Smelling the Roses.

Last year I planted a few heirloom rose bushes. The old roses are so much more fragrant than the newer types. Although roses need caring for, I find working with them is cathartic. When they have blooms, there's nothing more joyous than taking the time to smell their fragrance. Taking time to smell the roses is metephorical for pausing during our busy lives; it's the pause but also the scents that bring joy.

#13 Brushing the Kunekunes

If you know me, you know my animal's welfare is a number one concern. My Kunekune pigs love to be brushed. They roll over on their side and go into a pig trance while I brush their belly, back, legs and chin; it's like a massage. Of course, I tell them how wonderful and beautiful they are. I read a book about caring for pigs and the author said, "Don't forget to scratch your pigs behind the ears”. I know what he means, it's the best part of the day and it's a joyous moment on my list.

#14 Planning for the Future

Today, I started my 2024 business plan. When I made a list of what I should do, I followed Louise Hayes advice and change the should to could. Then those things became a choice. I asked myself, “Why I haven't done them yet?”. Business planning was #1 on my "could do" list. So, I started on that task today. I wrote a simple list of projects I want to complete and boom, the process began. When I was done with the short planning session, I felt joy. Knowing what's coming up in January brings a calming, in-control feeling and helps me to look forward to the new Year. JOY!

#15 Honoring my physical and emotional level of energy.

Today I started out feeling a bit fragile because I was tired and had some concerns on my mind. While my to-do list was long, I decided to take it easy during the first half of the day. That was a moment of joy for me today. I had a second cup of coffee and listened to some Christmas music after morning chores on the farm. Deciding to go easy on myself gave me energy to complete my afternoon tasks.

#16 Drinking from the Mug I made in Pottery Class.

I've always been interested in making things out of pottery. Recently, I made a few mugs, bowls, and plates at the local art League. I feel so much joy when I use those items, especially the mug I use for morning coffee. Today I'm documenting that joyous moment.

#17 Watching the Ducks Play in the Water.

I re-fill the duck ponds every day and every time, the ducks have so much fun in the water. They absolutely love their pond (it's actually a green turtle sand box) and they love splashing around. It's so much fun to watch them that sometimes I take my break from farm work and just watch them. It's definitely a joyous moment in my day.

#18 Finishing a Project

Today we finished the new hoop house for the turkeys. The project was in the plans since June with a projected completion date in September. Well, things happen and other tasks take priority. The joy from finishing a big project fuels my motivation for the next one on the to-do list. Taking the time to enjoy the moment of completion is joyous.

#19 When Baby Bunnies (kits) emerge from the Nest.

Kits don't open their eye until about 10 days. When they do, they're usually out and about and that's my moment of joy today. I love seeing the kits hopping around and mamma keeps a watchful eye on them. I was smiling all day today after seeing the kits hopping around.

#20 Meeting up with Sorority Sisters.

Yesterday one of my sorority sisters and I took a road trip up north to meet another sister. We had a fabulous time together and a quaint little town that was like a Hallmark channel movie. Since I don't have a biological sister, I can only imagine this is what it feels like. They are family to me. We laughed, caught up on each other's lives, and made plans for a business venture. I felt a ton of joy!

#21 Communicating with My Animals

Today my rabbit, Cherie's kits were out of the nest. There are 9 baby buns! I'm hands off when it comes to my rabbits and their babies because I respect them as mothers. Today, I was so proud of Cherie being such a good mamma to 9 lil buns and I let her know it. I could tell she was happy and understood what I was feeling. That's my joyous moment today.

#22 Looking at the Christmas Tree Ornaments

Since I was a kid, I've spent time sitting next to the Christmas tree looking at the ornaments. Each ornament has a story and I think about those good memories. I remember who gave me the decoration or where I bought it. Some hand made ornaments used to hang on my grandmother's tree. That's my Joy today.

#23 Watching Christmas Baking Shows

If you can't tell, I love the Christmas season. I really enjoy watching shows where people bake and decorate holiday themed cookies and desserts. And yes, I DVR them. As I'm typing this, I'm smiling and watching Christmas Cookie Challenge. I'm so impressed with the contestants skills. That's joy!

#24 Last Harvest of the Season.

One of the main reasons I wanted to have this farm was to be able to raise and harvest healthy food. I wanted to get out of the industrial food system where you don't know how the food was grown, how the animals were treated and fed, or what was injected/added to it. 2023 was a productive year for food here on the farm. We harvested veggies, 100s of eggs, 20 turkeys, 10 chickens, 3 ducks, and 24 rabbits. While we used some of the harvest for our dinner table, I was able to reach another of my goals; we provided healthy food options to the local community for purchase.

Yesterday was the last harvest of the year, providing a few customers with the main dish on their holiday dinner table. Greg even had time to do and evening hunt and harvest a doe for our freezer. When I contemplated the days events, I felt joy and truly blessed.

#25 A Blustery day after the Rain.

When I first started working the farm, I didn't like rainy days. For some reason I felt like I had to micromanage nature. But one day I realized that after the rain there was wind. The wind dried out the puddles. Today is one of those wonderfully, blustery days after a long rain. I appreciate the wind and find joy in letting it do it's thing in nature. No micromanaging today!

#26 Sending and Receiving Christmas Cards

This is a throwback to the good ol' days. As a kid, I would hang all of the Christmas cards we received at various places in the house, depending on the year. That tradition continues on with a lot less cards. I still send out about 40 every year, most years I create the artwork. This year I used a photo app creating a watercolor of my beloved White Holland turkey mamma with her poults. If you receive a card from me you can be sure I sent positive vibes along with it. If you sent me a card know that it brings me joy.

#27 When my Kunekunes call for Me

Today I moved my boar range house and fence. I move Wellington and BK to new ground about every 30 days. Once I finished, I went down to the duck houses. I glance up and both BK and Wellington were looking at me. BK was calling for me. I told him I'd be there in a minute so they laid down and watched. When I got back to them, BK rolled over for belly rubs. Yep, they're spoiled but that brings me joy!

#28 Visiting the Local Lavender and Sheep Farm

There's a cool spot not too far from my farm. They grow lavender and raise Leicester Longwool sheep, one of George Washington's favorite. The Leicester Longwool sheep is listed as threatened by the Livestock Conservacy. The Lavender and sheep farm has a cute little store that hosts their wool, lamb, and lavender products. When I visit, I peruse the shelves looking for just the right gift or something I want to buy. When I see the lavender field and watch the sheep graze the pasture I get a joyous feeling that makes me want to add both to my farm.

#29 Cooking a Holiday Meal

I cook dinner almost every night and every meal is special. But during the holidays, I try to make meals with a little more pizzazz. Tonight was lamb shanks from a local farm. Tomorrow, duck from our farm. I feel joyous when I make something out of the ordinary for our holiday dinner table.

#30 Calling a Do-over

Getting off of autopilot is hard. 30 years of teaching, 7 years of Ph.D. studies, diving into creating a viable farm business; I could add a few more to the list but you get my point, I hope. From 2018 to September 2021 I struggled between the daily grind and what I wanted for my future, a better life. By August of 2023 I realized I was back in it, but this time farm life grind. After trying to run the farm and do a weekly market, I found myself very unhappy.

From September to December of this year, I took a do-over. Remember those from the playground games in elementary school? All you had to yell was do-over and that reset the play, no questions asked. When I remember that I get a do-over and then take it, I feel tons of joy!

#31 Taking it Easy.

It doesn't happen much when you have a farm but every now and then, I take it easy. I always do the basics, feeding and caring for the animals but on days that I chill, I give myself time to have a extra cup of coffee, practice spinning yarn, or watching an episode of my favorite TV show. I purposely take an easy day and make sure that I check in with my intentions. This brings me joy.

#32 Noticing Different Personalities among my Animals

Today I started laughing when I was giving Wellington and BK a banana. They were both eating their lunch and I gave the banana to Wellington first. He calmly chewed his food and then gently took the banana. BK, on the other hand, grabbed the banana with a mouth full of food like he hadn't eaten in days. That made me laugh. All of the animals have different personalities and it's fun learning more each day.

#33 Managing our On-Farm Compost System.

When it comes to raising farm animals there's one thing you have a lot of. I'm sure you guessed it. Managing all the poop can be a daunting task. I've spent hours of research figuring out a plan for turning the poo into gold... compost! The chicken, rabbit, turkey, and duck poop is made into compost for growing food. The pig poop becomes compost for the pasture. Managing the system that turns the stuff safely into nutrients to grow things is a job that brings joy to the soul. There's nothing better than knowing I'm helping nature, building soil, and managing the land with principles of permaculture.

#34 When I Attitude my Adjustment

Have you ever heard anyone say that? I googled it and nothing came up so maybe it was just something someone said one time. It's what it sounds like, just changed the words around.

Today when I was taking care of the animals, I ended up in a big project without planning. The rabbit hutch needed adjusting so I could accommodate Cherie and her 9 kits. When I add on to a cage, I use another cage to make a mamma condo. That sounds easy but takes a lot of work to do it right. In the midst of the work, other issues popped up. I couldn't ignore them so I had to tell myself to buck up buttercup. On my way back to the house, I smiled because I thought of the time long ago when I heard the saying that titles this moment. The tiny adjustments in my attitude are what keeps me going and finding the joy.

#34 Planning a Reunion with the Ninja Yogis

There are three Ninja Yogis that met at yoga teacher training (YTT) in 2017. Each from a different country but all living in the US at the time. I went to the YTT strictly to learn how to teach yoga to the staff and students at my school. The first day, the instructor said we would create friendships during the 9 months of training. I said to myself, not me! I don't need friends (lol).

Long story short, I got more than friends with Lucy and Elisa. We became family, the kind of family that you choose. As our lives took us in different places, we stayed connected and chat almost daily. Planning a reunion brings me joy!

#35 Before I take the Christmas tree down for the season

Taking the tree down can be a pain. Does anyone like doing it? But I found some joy today before I started the job. I thought about the anticipation of the holiday season and how it's one of my favorite times of the year. I remembered the friends that visited and times I spent with others. I look at the decorations and again think of memories. Then I let my mind go into creative mode and I vision the coming year. Piglets, pasture, flowers, fruits, vegetables will grow; new and returning customers will enjoy the bounty. I think about all I'll learn and new things I'll create. Soon it will be time to put the tree up for another holiday. Hope springs eternal. That's my Joy for today.


365 Moments of Joy (continued)


Living in the moment